Premium for dyed fabrics
中色 每碼 @ RMB¥……
深色 " " ……
特色 " " ……
The price quoted for this dyed article applies to light shades only. If dark and special shades are order, the following premiums are required:
Medium shades @ RMB¥ ____ per yard.
Dark shades " ____ " "
Special shades " ____ " "
When selecting colours for this contract from our colour chart for Poplin No. 4, please pay attention to the categories of the colours selected and state in the letter of credit the respective Premiums to be paid for dark and special colours.
深色 每碼 ……P
特色 " ……P
The quoted price is good for common (or light/medium) colours only, and premiums are required for other categories of colours, they are:
Dark colours @ ____ P per yard.
Special colours @ ____ P per yard.